We’re sadly not able to have Easter Conference 2020 in person, but we’d love you to join us online over 4 sessions this weekend as we gather around God’s Word, update you on our ministry and share our vision for reaching the children of Ireland and beyond!
We’ll have four online sessions (outlined below), each lasting around 40 minutes. We’re looking forward to hearing Bible studies from Robert J. Morgan, reports on ministry in Ireland and across Europe, an update on the Seaview Project and much more!
We’ll be broadcasting each session on our YouTube channel. We hope you can join us live, but if not, each session will be available to watch on YouTube afterwards.
Session 1 // Sat 11th, 10AM
Bible Study with Pastor Robert J. Morgan.
Session 2 // Sat 11th, 7PM
Focus on Europe with closing missionary challenge.
Session 3 // Mon 13th, 10AM
Bible Study with Pastor Robert J. Morgan.
Session 4 // Mon 13th, 7PM
Focus on Ireland with closing missionary challenge.
Our Speaker: Robert J. Morgan

Robert J. Morgan is the teaching pastor of The Donelson Fellowship in Nashville, Tennessee, where he has served for 38 years. No stranger to the mission, he has spoken at many CEF conferences across the world, and we’re looking forward to hearing from him this weekend.