Every Child Conference 2019

Exploring SEND in your children’s ministry

Swords Baptist, Dublin / 11th May

Emmanuel Church, Lurgan / 8th June

Free admission!

Jesus said in Matthew 19: “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” The command is clear — we are to put nothing in the way of children coming to Jesus. In a world where no two children are the same, we need to do our best to make sure our ministry to the children in our care is thoughtful and adaptable.

For many of us, we struggle to know how to best interact with and teach children who have Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND). The words of Jesus don’t exclude these children — we need to be sure that we aren’t hindering them from coming to Him. We have a God who saves children despite our mistakes and inabilities, but that shouldn’t keep us from the pursuit of learning how to best minister to children with SEND.

Why not join us on either Saturday 11th May (in Dublin) or Saturday 8th June (in Lurgan)  as we explore the world of SEND and think about how we can effectively and lovingly reach every child with the Gospel? We have four very experienced speakers coming to share with us, and a number of other great organisations will be on hand to help resource you in your ministry. Our vision in CEF is to have every child in every county in God’s Word every day. Our heart for this conference, along with everyone else taking part is that Every Child really means, Every Child.

  • Hear experienced speakers
  • View great resources
  • Meet others involved in SEND ministry
  • Connect with other organisations
  • Lunch provided

* Please note there is no children’s ministry or crèche available at the Dublin conference.

>> Tips…Blips…and Partnerships!

Are you involved in children’s ministry? Do you want to be more equipped to work with children who face special challenges? In this seminar you will learn some top tips, strategies and techniques for working alongside children with Special Educational Needs.

It’s not always easy to try something you’ve never seen or done before. So in this session, Jayne will show you in a very practical and step by step way how to plan various aspects of the kids program that are inclusive of Every Child. Come and find out how to plan and teach children in a special way through singing, memory verses, quizzes and crafts.

>> All Through HIStory

Noah, Moses, David, Daniel are Bible heroes, each in a history with his God. Through these and many other Bible stories we communicate God’s big story, showing who He is, what he has done and how he rescues and calls us to life-long friendship.

All of us are in a history with our God. And don’t we long for children to share our faith? Children learn and develop in many ways, have diverse needs and differing abilities and potential. This seminar aims to help you communicate the Bible story simply, clearly and effectively to children with special educational needs.

>> Autism, Young People, and the Church.

Children and young people with autism bring a unique and rich contribution to life, including to their church community.  They may also face challenges in how they engage with their faith, such as navigating the various social interactions in church, seeking to understand biblical use of imagery and metaphor, or applying literal and intellectual thinking to the emotional aspects of spiritual life.

This seminar aims to give an overview of autism, with a particular focus on what biblical truths can assist us in our understanding of young people with autism in the church.  We also plan to discuss practical strategies for supporting young people attending youth activities.


Jayne Gibson

Jayne is married to Simon and they have three daughters, Jessica, Robyn and Bronwyn. In 2016 they moved from Belfast to Ballyconnell, and are currently the full-time workers for CEF in Co. Cavan. Before coming into the work of CEF Jayne was a teacher for 18 years in both Primary and Nursery School settings. During her time as a Nursery School Principal, Jayne was the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator for the school. Jayne enjoys spending time with her family and friends and taking their dog Brodie for walks in the beautiful Cavan countryside.

Dr James Nelson

James is a Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist, working in an NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health team. He is married to Laura, and is dad to five year old Luke and two year old Toby. He worships in Lisburn Methodist Church and has a keen interest in autism, particularly how young people with autism engage with church and their faith. He is also a very keen caravaner.

Anita Conkey

Anita has been with Scripture Union NI for over 15 years and is currently developing schools work in the SEN sector; Assemblies, Bible stories, RE lessons and resources, as well as summer outreach. Her background is in teaching and youth work.

She loves working with children and her heart is to see them engage with the Bible story and with God, whose story it is. Walking in the mountains with her husband, David, is her favourite pursuit.

Kathryn Beck

Kathryn lives in Belfast, is an Occupational Therapist & currently works in an NHS schools team. She volunteers with The Big House & her favourite weekend of the year is Shine camp! Kathryn loves working with children & is excited to see churches and youth organisations seeking to love and include children with additional needs.
She enjoys exploring new cities & experiencing live music!

She loves working with children and her heart is to see them engage with the Bible story and with God, whose story it is. Walking in the mountains with her husband, David, is her favourite pursuit.


Register for 11th May in Dublin

Register for 8th June in Lurgan