As I read the words of Isaiah 43:2 during my quiet time this morning, I took time to reflect on how God has continued to keep His hand on us as we carry on the work of CEF in North East Down. Not having a local worker brings many challenges. However, with those challenges come personal blessings. We may have a small committee in our area, but all who serve on it are hungry to see children saved by God’s grace.

Praise God for the ongoing outreach in our area which includes: 5-Day Clubs, Holiday Bible Clubs, Tract Ministry, the Junior Youth Challenge weekend and our two camps. We thank God for the five children who we know of who have trusted in Christ at both our camps and 5-Day Clubs this summer. This makes it all worthwhile.

Our summer camps are always special to us. We had the opportunity to spend quality time with about 75 children in total at both camps. Many new friendships were formed and lives were truly touched by the talks on Joshua and Hudson Taylor. During Inters Camp some of the children wept, as they felt moved by the Spirit of God during a praise evening.

The committee would really value your prayers as we are wanting to start a Junior Youth Challenge meeting at the end of September. This is a big undertaking for us considering we have such a small committee. However, we feel that it is important that our young people have an opportunity to meet more often instead of just twice a year. Pray that God will provide the best venue and that helpers will come forward to assist us.

Thank you for all your prayers and financial support in our area. Without you and God’s grace we wouldn’t be able to carry on this wonderful outreach.

This article first appeared in our Autumn 2019 National Newsletter.