Anyone who knows me knows that I love to play sport, especially hockey. It’s important to me each Saturday when I play my match that I play to the best of my ability. To ensure this happens, I must put in the time to go to training, work on skills and improve my fitness. Without setting time aside to do these things I just can’t perform to the top of my ability in a match. So often I find myself caught up with life and easily forget to set time aside for God. I make time for everything else going on in my life and as a result, push the most important time with God to the side. I wonder if I was to prioritise my time with God as much as my time for hockey, how different my attitudes and actions would be.

During lockdown nearly everything came to a halt. No more sports, university, exams, church and no more late-night McDonalds! A lot of the things in life that we make time for suddenly were no more. For many of us, we weren’t busy anymore and we couldn’t use this as our excuse when our time with God was abandoned. Even as lockdown is ending and life starts returning to ‘normal’ we still have time to truly fix our eyes upon Jesus and be reminded of His greatness. We are told in Psalm 1:2 that blessed is the one “whose delight is in the law of the Lord and who meditates on his law day and night.” With this verse in mind, my challenge to you (and myself) is how are you spending this time? Are you using it to binge watch Disney+ all day or are you using it to draw closer to God and strengthen your relationship with Him. I believe how you spend this time can change you and your relationship with God. Take time to meditate on God’s word and learn about Him and His will for your life. When we spend more time with God, and make Him our priority, we desire Him more than other things. We wholeheartedly find joy in the time spent with Him and His Word.

For a long time, I lacked this desire and joy and spending time with God felt like more of a chore. With there being no university, I made it a priority to spend time with God each morning, something that wasn’t a priority in my life for quite a while. God already has taught me so much through doing this and despite having to live a restricted life for a while, I have been reminded that God is never restricted and His Word is and will always be “living and active, sharper than any double edged sword.” (Hebrews 4:12 ESV)

Use this time to get to know God on a deeper level and possibly light the spark in your relationship with Him that you have been lacking. In James 4:8 (ESV) we are told “draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” Take this time to actively pursue God, intentionally read His Word and pray to Him, taking heart in this verse knowing He promises to draw close to you and walk with you.