“Come and see the works of God” Psalm 66:5
Witnessing the spiritual growth of children who have accepted the Lord as Saviour is what motivates leaders to continue teaching the gospel, even in difficult circumstances. For example, it was encouraging to hear children (who have been in hospital for weeks waiting for surgery) give God glory and thank Him for making a way for them to receive treatment.
Teachers rejoice when they see a small class of children, who have been meeting in a home to learn about God and bond spiritually. God works in the most difficult of situations:
• When resources are scarce, and photocopying is not available,
teachers often use recycled paper to ensure the children have activity sheets for their clubs;
• Even when teachers cannot afford it, God provides ways for them to receive training;
• When there is no electricity God still makes the way for them to present their lessons;
• When teachers have no transport and walk for hours to reach their classes, it is God who encourages them, cheers their hearts and instils in them the passion to reach more children;
New volunteers and generous donors who sometimes provide meals and snacks for the children demonstrate that God is in control and He blesses in the midst of hardship.
This article first appeared in our Winter 2020 National Newsletter.