
Help me read the Bible!
Put up your hand if you find consistent, thoughtful daily Bible reading easy. I didn’t think many hands would go up. Bible reading can be tough, but considering it's the written word of God, given to us in order to know him better, how can we... Read More >>
What’s next, Lord?
The stress of exams is replaced with the excitement of graduation, and it’s soon forgotten in a hectic summer filled with camps and teams. September comes and goes as you rest, but October, November and December come with no sign of full-time... Read More >>
Witnessing at University
Meeting a future spouse, gaining a new friend group, falling in love with a new city, taking the first step towards the dream job. These are some of the common responses given by graduates as they reflect on the highlight of their university... Read More >>
Galatians and the Gospel Truth
You may have heard the phrase, “And though she be but little, she is fierce”. It comes from Shakespeare’s well-known comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and is said by the jealous Helena about her friend-turned-rival, Hermia. Hermia is... Read More >>
Autumn Conference 2018
If you’re free on Saturday 22 September why don’t you join us for our Autumn Conference? You can view the official conference programme below or download it by clicking here. Read More >>
New Worship Album From CEF!
We would love you to join us as we officially launch ‘The Light’ — a new worship album for all the family from CEF of Ireland. This isn’t just an album of children’s songs (although they’ll love it!), but an album for the whole... Read More >>
Easter Conference 2018
We're very excited about Easter Conference 2018, which is just around the corner! Here's the key information about it: Dates: 30 March –  2 April, 2018 Venue: Portrush Presbyterian Church Whether you’re a CEF volunteer, someone... Read More >>
How Was 2017?
How are you celebrating the New Year? I started 2017 pulling party poppers outside the A+E department I was working in at the time and I’m definitely planning to bring in the New Year a bit differently this year. How we celebrate the New Year... Read More >>
God’s Faithfulness in Drogheda
Six 116 mile roundtrips, five Christians, five days, three clubs per day, 61 children hearing the gospel (perhaps for the first time). We started each day with a good sleep in the car (except for Neil, who was driving) followed by coffee and a... Read More >>
Relying On God In Moldova
When I first made the decision to go on a Momentum team, I wasn't even sure where Moldova was in the world. I soon found out it’s between Ukraine and Romania. Our accommodation for the two weeks was the CEF office in the capital Chisinau.... Read More >>

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