
Christ’s Support In Our Struggles
This is entry 3/6 in a series on the victorious life. Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:25, ESV) Christ makes intercession... Read More >>
Fight the Good Fight Of The Faith
This is entry 2/6 in a series on the victorious life. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. (1 Timothy 6:11-12, ESV) Christ has won the victory for us! And now we are... Read More >>
Book Review: Honest Evangelism
This is a review of Rico Tice's Honest Evangelism There are a lot of books on evangelism and most tend to focus on an ‘easy route’ and don’t tell us how hard it will be in reality to be an evangelist. However Tice does go into this topic... Read More >>
Stepping Into The Victory Of Christ
This is entry 1/6 in a series on the victorious life. For the battle is the Lord's. (1 Samuel 17:47, ESV) The gospel does not stop being good news when we come to sanctification and in particular to the part of sanctification that involves... Read More >>
The Instagram Bible
Beware the Instagram Bible, my daughters—those filtered frames festooned with feathered verses, adorned in all manner of loops and tails, bedecked with blossoms, saturated with sunsets, culled and curated just for you. Beware lest it become... Read More >>
Meet Our New Intern!
We have a new intern called Kate who is joining us in CEF for the next few months. We thought we would interview her to find out a little bit more about her! 1. Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Kate McCoy and I’m from Carnmoney... Read More >>
Autumn Conference Dublin
Not only do we Autumn Conference in Lurgan, but we also have a great day planned for Sunday 25 September in Dundrum Methodist (Ballinteer Road, Dundrum, Dublin 16). You can view the official conference programme by clicking here, but... Read More >>
God’s Will 4: How Do I Make Decisions That Please God?
We're very grateful to Tim Challies for providing 4 blogs on knowing God's will. This is 4/4. Today we come to the fourth and final part of this short series on knowing and doing the will of God. In the first part of the series I laid a... Read More >>
Travel Won’t Fix Your Life
Travel the world, they said. Find yourself, they said. Fill your life with adventures, they said. Mind you, the “they” is really just the surrounding culture and countless Pinterest and Facebook memes smothering my homepages;... Read More >>
God’s Will 3: God’s Will For Your Life
We're very grateful to Tim Challies for providing 4 blogs on knowing God's will. This is 3/4. Today I am continuing this short series on knowing and doing the will of God. In the first part of the series I laid a foundation of God’s... Read More >>

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