
A Life of Holiness, Reverence, and Love
I remember showing up to teach a Sunday school class in New England only to find everyone already there—and they had been there for an hour! Their clocks had all sprung forward an hour; I had forgotten to change mine. I was living differently... Read More >>
Journaling: Recording His Faithfulness
Journaling is not commanded in the Bible but it can be a useful discipline through which you can experience growth in your walk with God. Romans 12:12 says ‘Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer’ (ESV). Journaling... Read More >>
4 Thoughts on Colossians: Part 3
This blog is the third in a four part series on the book of Colossians. If Christ is over all, if we are complete in Him—free in Him—then how can we walk in Him? How can we live the way that we should? How can we attain holiness? Chapter 3... Read More >>
Doing Exams to the Glory of God
It seems that no matter who I speak to in their twenties, they always say they wished they'd behaved differently in school. Some say they wished they had taken their academic career less seriously, that they missed out on carefree days worrying... Read More >>
4 Thoughts on Colossians: Part 2
This blog is the second in a four part series on the book of Colossians. At the end of chapter 1 we saw how Paul looked at how ‘it’s all about Him’, how Christ is the Lord of all, yet how He reached down and made a way for us to come to... Read More >>
Lessons from the life of Johanna Veenstra
This is the second of three blogs on lessons we can learn from Christian missionaries and evangelists who did not become famous (on earth). Here’s a whirlwind introduction: The daughter of a preacher, fourteen year-old Johanna Veenstra was... Read More >>
This season. I've heard this phrase a lot in Christian settings recently. 'Yeah, it's just for a season though...', 'I'm trying to remind myself, it's just a season.’ I've even found myself using it, without stopping to think what I am actually... Read More >>
4 Thoughts on Colossians: Part 1
This blog is the first in a four part series on the book of Colossians. Place Colossae was a city located about 100 miles inland from Ephesus, in modern Turkey. It doesn’t appear to have been one of those cities that Paul visited, as he... Read More >>
Sunshine through the Clouds
If you’ve ever told God ‘I’m done here, you can just take me home now,’ you aren't alone. In fact, you're in pretty good company. Elijah in 1 Kings 19:4 told God he'd had enough. You see, there's a reason why God didn't answer Elijah's... Read More >>
Easter Thoughts
At the foot of the cross; is the means by which we live. Where did I hear this quote? To be frank I have absolutely no idea. My memory does not serve me well at 18. Though I remember the deep set conviction and revelation in my heart finally... Read More >>

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