We feel so privileged and are delighted to be serving God in West Belfast. As it is a pioneering ministry, there are times when it seems nothing positive is happening concerning the Gospel. But we are so thankful for the two venues open to us, allowing us to hold Good News Clubs in those communities every week.

We wanted to promote the clubs by meeting folks personally so we decided to go door to door and hand out 700 invitations. We thank God for His safety and for several conversations we had when we were able to tell of God’s grace and His Gospel.

Recently at one of these Good News Clubs, we had just set up and were waiting for the regular kids to arrive when we heard a knocking at the window. We looked up to see a girl and boy waving in and continually calling, “Can we come in?”

In they came and joined in with the rest. When it came to the Bible lesson we were explaining that everything we tell them is from the Bible. The young girl (P7) asked, “How do you know what it says in the Bible?” This gave us a wonderful opportunity to show her God’s Word and tell her that the Bible is a gift from God and is for everyone to read. The young girl turned to the child beside her and asked her if she read the Bible, to which the child replied, “Yes.”

You could see the amazement in her eyes, perhaps realising that God wants to speak to her through His Word, and not just to specific adults.

This article first appeared in the Winter 2018 National Newsletter