All children’s workers feel (or should feel) their need of help in their personal lives and also  in their ministry to the children. This series will  provide some help and encouragement in both of these areas. These studies are based upon a series of biblical principles:

What are principles? 

The definition of  the word,  as given by the dictionary, reads “A principle is a fundamental truth or proposition that serves as a foundation for a system of belief or behaviour or chain of reasoning”. A principle is a truth to be understood and believed.  It then acts as a foundation or basis on which to apply and build behaviour and action.

The plan or procedure is – we understand – we believe – we act. Knowing the principle is the first step; believing it is the second step; learning how to apply is the third step and takes much time and effort. But it is worth it!

What are Biblical principles?

The Bible is the true and only source of the principles which should guide and determine our lives and ministries. God has given us countless spiritual principles in His Word which are practical and beneficial and which transform the lives and ministries of those who choose to study them, know them, believe them and apply them to their lives and ministries.

Why should children’s workers study Biblical principles?

The study of biblical principles is absolutely vital because the quality and spirituality of your life and your ministry is determined  by your understanding  and application  of those principles which relate to your life and ministry.

I have chosen ten out of the many biblical principles which relate to your life. As you study and understand these principles (all of which concern your knowledge of, and relationship to, God) and as you apply them to your life,  God will bless you and your life will be greatly enriched.

  • The Christian’s  main priority is to understand  what God is like and to get to know Him.
  • God is sovereign and in control of everyone and everything.
  • God is wise and knows what He is doing.
  • God is good and continually cares for His children.
  •  God is faithful and always keeps His promises.
  • God is holy and wants His children to be holy.
  • God wants His children to worship Him.
  • God wants His children to really know Him.
  •  God wants His children to focus on Him when they have problems.
  • God blesses, in many ways, those who know Him.

I have also chosen ten out of the many principles which relate to your ministry as a children’s worker. As you study and understand these principles,  and as you apply them to your ministry, God will, I believe, make you a blessing to many boys and girls.

  • God calls some of His servants to go to the start of the problem and work there.                                
  • God uses the most unlikely people to accomplish His purposes.                                                          
  • Little children can trust Jesus Christ and be saved.                                                                                
  • God has given us two goals or targets for our ministry to children.                                                    
  • Children’s workers need to know how to teach a Bible lesson effectively to children.                          
  • Children’s workers need to follow a four-step plan when evangelizing children.                                  
  • Only the Holy Spirit can enable an unsaved child to trust Christ.                                                                
  • Children who have trusted Christ need our help so they can grow.                                                            
  • God is interested in the ones and twos, in quality rather than quantity.                                                    
  • The Bible shows us how God calls, leads and uses His servants in their ministry to children.
  • I trust that these studies will be a means of blessing both in your life and in your ministry to the children.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth” ( 2 Timothy 2:15 KJV)

I am taking it for granted, in these studies, that you yourself have trusted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. If not, I trust that you will “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16:31) and be able then to say with the apostle Paul “I have been justified by faith and have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1).