1. Who are you, where are you from etc.?

My name is Emma Caskey, I am 17 and I am from Magherafelt, in Mid-Ulster. I have just finished my AS year and as part of preparation for UCAS applications I was keen to take part in some work experience and therefore, spent a week on placement with CEF as it is a ministry which has really encouraged me during my Christian walk.


  1. Tell us about how you became a Christian.

I became a Christian at the age of 11 at a Baptist Youth camp, however, unfortunately my faith did not become the most important thing in my life at this point. As I entered secondary school, I became what I would call, “a Sunday Christian”. I would attend church on Sundays, act like a Christian around Christian friends but in school my faith was hidden as I felt the pressure to fit in. During the summer between fourth year and fifth year I attended CEF’s Teen Camp. While listening to the testimonies of others on the final night of camp I realised I needed to take my faith more seriously and since then have endeavoured to boldly make my faith known to all those who know me. After this experience at Teen Camp two years ago, with the constant support of those within the Youth Challenge department of CEF, I now consider myself a faithful disciple 7 days a week instead of just when it suits me.


  1. You’ve been on placement with us–what all have you done?

I have taken part in assemblies and clubs in Belfast primary schools, 5-day clubs in Lurgan housing estates and worked in the office preparing materials for Holiday Bible Clubs and camps. During the clubs and assemblies, I led quizzes, songs and even had the privilege of teaching Bible Lessons and Memory Verses. This opportunity to actively share the gospel with children has been such a blessing and encouragement!


  1. Any highlights of the past two weeks?

There have been many highlights over the week as I have witnessed children learn more about the Lord. I loved the 5 Day Clubs in Lurgan as I never knew what to expect; from having to involve dolls in the quiz to please children to watching boys pretend to be rock stars with Colin Hylands’ guitar! Each night was unpredictable. These opportunities to share the gospel while also having many laughs have been a real highlight of the week.


  1. Have you learned anything about CEF ministry that you didn’t know before?

I had never realised how much work goes on behind the scenes in the National Office. I have a newfound appreciation for all the materials used at camps. It turns out that the Bible Lessons and Memory Verses at Summer Outreach Training Course don’t just appear out of thin air, but rather have been time consumingly prepared and packaged!


  1. Finally, would you encourage others to do a placement or internship with us? And why?

I would absolutely encourage others to do a placement or internship with CEF. All the workers I worked alongside were extremely welcoming and provided useful guidance on each area of the ministry. Not only will you develop skills such as public speaking, organisation and teamwork but it’s also such a privilege to be involved in the Lord’s work especially when it comes to the souls of children.