Interested in pastoral care, children’s ministry or worship minsitry? Then this conference is for YOU!

Lots of people booking so get your place booked today! 

You will get FREE resources and FREE food…all your have to do is register for FREE. It would be great to see you there!

For more deatils and to REGISTER go to:

EQUIP Conference 2016

EQUIPPING you to be more effective in ministry
“…equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ…” Ephesians 4:12-13

On Saturday 11 June 2016 the CEF of Ireland Multimedia Department will be hosting the Equip Conference where our goal is to equip you to be more effective in your ministry.

The Equip Conference is for anyone who has a desire to be more effective in ministry. Areas covered will be pastoral care, children’s ministry, and worship ministry.

We invite you to be with us on 11 June where you will experience worship with other believers, and be equipped to be more effective as you serve God.

Where: Emmanuel Church, Lurgan
When: 11 June 2016
Cost: FREE (including breakfast and lunch)! You just need to register on Eventbright!


10:00am – Registration & Breakfast
11:00am – General Session
11:45am – Tea/Coffee
12:00 noon – Selective Seminars

12:45pm – Lunch

1:45pm – Selective Seminars
2:45pm – Closing Worship
3:15pm – Home
Struggling to get up for 11am?! Feel free to join us for the afternoon sessions.

12:00 noon – Selective Seminars

Pastoral Care Ministry:
There’s No Place Like Home (Neil Gilliland)
To use an old adage, “Home is where the heart is.” There’s No Place Like Home will explore seven principles for a thriving marriage, family, and church (emphasis will be on the church).

Children’s Ministry:
Making learning meaningful, engaging, and fun (Carrie Hawkins)
In this workshop, we will be discussing practical things that you can incorporate in your church this Sunday. Children learn better when they are engaged and having fun. We will talk about activities and strategies that will engage your kids and will help them to relate to what you are teaching them through God’s word.

Worship Ministry:
Becoming the Most Effective Leader (Corey Hawkins)
In this session, we’ll look at the characteristics of becoming an effective leader, not only in Music and Worship, but in church ministry. 

1:45pm – Selective Seminars

Pastoral Care Ministry:
If Only I Could Be a Flyer (Neil Gilliland)
The church has the opportunity to experience what it means to live as a true Christian community. This seminar will present a basic foundation for moving from a group of people who meet to worship to a true community of believers.

Children’s Ministry:
The good, the discouraging, and the rewarding parts of working with kids (Carrie Hawkins)
In this workshop we will talk about the good, the discouraging, and the rewarding aspects of children’s ministry. We will discuss ways to encourage our children in this dark world. We will discuss the importance of mentoring and developing meaningful relationships with the students we teach each week. We will cover the difficult parts of dealing with children and how we can overcome them. 

Worship Ministry:
Practical Aspects of Worship Leading (Corey Hawkins)
In this session, we’ll break down different aspects of leading worship. This session will be filled with tons of practical ideas & resources that you can take with you and use in your church. 

Do you want to bring your children along?
No problem! A supervised kids programme will be available from 11:00am – 3:15pm.

About our Conference Speakers!

Neil Gilliland
Neil is married to Sheila. They have one married daughter Hannah who is 26 years old and a 4 year old grandso
n. Neil and Sheila served as house parents at the Trula Cronk Home for Children in East Tennessee. For eight years, they served under Free Will Baptist International Missions as mission
aries in Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa as dorm parents at a boarding school for missionary children. Neil has completed an M.S. and Ph.D. in Counselling Psychology. In 2001, Neil became the Director of Member Care at Free Will Baptist International Missions (FWBIM). Since January 2010, he has served as a Member Care consultant for FWBIM and adjunct professor (Welch Bible College). He is also an online professor for Liberty University.
Carrie Hawkins 
Married to Corey for 10 years. They have two wonderful kids Mayer (7) and Piper (3). Graduated from Welch Bible College with a double major in Music Business & Biblical studies. Received her Masters degree in education from Trevecca University. She’s taught in Nashville public schools for over 10 years. Carrie is actively involved in children’s ministry and has lots of creative ideas about teaching the Bible to children.
Corey Hawkins
Married to Carrie and has two lovely kids. He received his undergraduate degree in Vocal Performance from Welch Bible College and his Masters degree in Church Music from Belmont University. He has served in ministry for 10 years as Worship Pastor at The Donelson Fellowship (Nashville).
We hope to see there!