Each month, we will be introducing you to our latest appointed workers so that you can get to know a bit more about them, their call, where they are serving the Lord and how you can help them. This month we would like to introduce Emma Busby.

No44My first contact with CEF was when I attended the Summer Outreach Training Course (SOTC) at the age of 17. However it was during the summer of 2007 was when I became very much aware of God’s leading towards full time ministry. At that time I was in Switzerland taking the first half of the CMLC and here God began to really challenge me with the words of Romans 10:14, in particular the phrase “How will they hear”. For the next number of years I suppose you could say I wrestled with God as to the direction in which he was leading me. Looking back I recognise I was too focused on the uncertainties that come with ministry rather than God, the one who is never changing and who can be completely trusted. I worked in a hospital environment where you constantly meet people from all walks of life and while I enjoyed my job and helping people with their physical problems I was struck by the great spiritual problems in many lives.  God led me towards taking a year out of work to go to Bible College, to study God’s Word and to seek direction in terms of ministry. On one hand while I was sure this was the direction God was leading me in but at the same time I was anxious because I had no idea where God would lead and direct me after this. I love to have plans and to know what is going to happen but often God doesn’t show us the big picture, rather He guides us step by step as we trust Him and that was a lesson I needed to learn. My question at that time was “Lord what do you want me to do? What direction do you have for my life?” and as I was reading my Bible one evening God clearly answered my question with the words of Acts 9:6 ”…rise and enter the city and you will be told what you are to do”. What a clear reminder to trust God because He will guide us step by step. And just as God had assured me of His guidance, He did. I knew He wanted me to serve Him among children and through the channel of CEF.

I began my training with CEF in the middle of 2013. The majority of my practical time was spent in the Lagan Valley area alongside the Cowan’s but also included some time in London and several counties down South. Throughout this period God taught me much about working with children but more so He taught me to trust in Him for ALL things (a lesson I am still very much learning!). Time and time again God has proved Himself to be faithful and trustworthy and even during this time when things went in a different direction from how I imagined I can see how God used it to lead and guide me. God is teaching me the importance of just being faithful, to do what He has called us to do and to look to Him for courage to do that.

At the minute I am a missionary designate to the Belfast team. I continue on deputation alongside some direct ministry in Belfast and am both humbled and excited in God’s provision for me in all ways so far. I am looking forward to seeing what God will do in South Belfast where I will soon be based!

You can download Emma’s prayer card here.