I’ve never known of a time in my history with CEF where I have seen more encouragement than through the answer of prayer. As I look around, it’s almost like you can experience the answers to prayer…There’s nothing more exciting than a miracle taking place in the midst of prayer, and God receiving the glory.
— Reese Kauffman, former President of CEF

Prayer is the backbone of our ministry among the children. Please join us in prayer for the needs of children and CEF workers in Ireland and around the world. Here are a number of ways you can pray for us:


If you use the PrayerMate app on your phone or tablet, you can subscribe to receive our prayer requests for that day.

Daily Prayer Guide

Our quarterly Daily Prayer Guide contains a number of prayer requests for each day of that quarter.

Weeks of Prayer

We have two weeks of prayer each year (one in the Spring, one in the Autumn). We publish prayer guides specifically for those weeks.

National Newsletter

Every Child (the National Newsletter of CEF of Ireland) is filled with the latest updates on our ministry across the island of Ireland and around the world.

Local Area Partner

To pray for a specific local area, worker or missionary, please contact us by clicking below.

Ministry Partner

To pray for a specific Good News Club, school, or a department (such as Youth Challenge or National Office) please contact us by clicking below.