This story comes from Mark 10 v 46-52. Bartimaeus was a blind beggar, but he could see who Jesus really was. He called Jesus the “Son of David”, another name for the Christ, God’s promised perfect King, who would be from the family of King David.
So in this story we call Jesus “the best King EVER! The one God said was coming!” Bartimaeus believed that Jesus was the promised King, and also that Jesus could heal him.
“I want to see,” he told Jesus. “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road (v 51-52, NIV). Bartimaeus believed in Jesus and followed him. Jesus welcomes everyone who believes in him and wants to follow him.
In the story, we also call Jesus “the King God sent to make things better… and not just eyes”. The Bible tells us that we are separated from God by our sin—the wrong things we do, say and think. Jesus came to make this better. If we trust in Jesus, we can have our sin forgiven and be friends with God for ever.
Age Range: 2-4 years