
Help me read the Bible!
Put up your hand if you find consistent, thoughtful daily Bible reading easy. I didn’t think many hands would go up. Bible reading can be tough, but considering it's the written word of God, given to us in order to know him better, how can we... Read More >>
Lord, Help Me Rest
I can remember the moment clearly. Early last year, standing in the kitchen at the office, a missionary who was visiting us asked me “so Andrew, what day of the week do you take off?” I knew my answer at that point in my life was none. After... Read More >>
Christian Struggles: Gluttony
This blog is the fifth in a series on Christian struggles. I just ate a big piece of Christmas cake, in July, for my breakfast. Last night, I shared a large chocolate bar with less people than I’d care to admit. So I’ve just been a glutton,... Read More >>
7 lies Satan wants you to believe about your sin
How you view sin is of great importance. If we don’t see it properly as a problem, we can’t see Jesus properly as Saviour. As Christians, even though we might be able to explain sin well, we can still often succumb to Satan’s lies about it.... Read More >>
Lessons from the life of Robert Sheffey
This is the third and final blog on lessons we can learn from Christian missionaries and evangelists who did not become famous (on earth). One day in the late 19th Century, a child was bitten by a rattlesnake and the family sent for a local... Read More >>
Lessons from the life of Johanna Veenstra
This is the second of three blogs on lessons we can learn from Christian missionaries and evangelists who did not become famous (on earth). Here’s a whirlwind introduction: The daughter of a preacher, fourteen year-old Johanna Veenstra was... Read More >>
Sunshine through the Clouds
If you’ve ever told God ‘I’m done here, you can just take me home now,’ you aren't alone. In fact, you're in pretty good company. Elijah in 1 Kings 19:4 told God he'd had enough. You see, there's a reason why God didn't answer Elijah's... Read More >>
Lessons from the life of Sam Pollard
This is the first of three blogs on lessons we can learn from Christian missionaries and evangelists who did not become famous (on earth). Ever heard of Sam Pollard? Thought not. And he’d probably like that. Born in 1864, Pollard was the son... Read More >>
The ‘what could have been’
You’re lying in bed at night processing the day. You’re doing that thing where you replay a situation through the lens of what I’m going to call the what could have been. You know the way it goes: ‘what if I’d spoken up sooner,’ or... Read More >>

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