
Principle 9 – God wants His children to focus on Him when they have problems.
As we have “studied God”, and as we have sought to discover what He is like we have learned that He is (among many other qualities) sovereign, wise, holy, faithful and good. And as we have also sought to apply and relate these truths to our... Read More >>
Lesser Known Friends (4)
What a story must lie behind the opening words of verse thirteen (Romans 16), "Greet Rufus…” You may be thinking, "Ah, I have heard that name somewhere before", and you would be absolutely right. Do you recall, as the Lord Jesus was... Read More >>
Biblical Principles – Introduction
All children’s workers feel (or should feel) their need of help in their personal lives and also  in their ministry to the children. This series will  provide some help and encouragement in both of these areas. These studies are based upon a... Read More >>
Lesser Known Friends (3)
As a child I used to sit fascinated as older relatives tried to sort out the 'whereabouts' of other family members, endeavouring to unravel the mysteries of who had married whom, how many children they had and where they were presently living. I... Read More >>
Lesser Known Friends (2)
Next on Paul's list of lesser known friends in Romans 16 are Priscilla and Acquila. Well, maybe they are a little better known than some of the others on Paul's list, nevertheless they are well worth meeting. Paul's history of them is far too... Read More >>
4 Thoughts on Colossians: Part 4
This blog is the last in a four part series on the book of Colossians. Having spent the end of chapter 3 talking about everyday roles and circumstances that we all find ourselves in, Paul now points out things that we need to get right if we... Read More >>
4 Thoughts on Colossians: Part 3
This blog is the third in a four part series on the book of Colossians. If Christ is over all, if we are complete in Him—free in Him—then how can we walk in Him? How can we live the way that we should? How can we attain holiness? Chapter 3... Read More >>
4 Thoughts on Colossians: Part 2
This blog is the second in a four part series on the book of Colossians. At the end of chapter 1 we saw how Paul looked at how ‘it’s all about Him’, how Christ is the Lord of all, yet how He reached down and made a way for us to come to... Read More >>
4 Thoughts on Colossians: Part 1
This blog is the first in a four part series on the book of Colossians. Place Colossae was a city located about 100 miles inland from Ephesus, in modern Turkey. It doesn’t appear to have been one of those cities that Paul visited, as he... Read More >>
Lesser Known Bible Heroes (Part 1)
In 2009, Baker books published a Book by Warren Wiersbe, the renowned author of the ‘Be’ series of Bible commentaries, called ’50 people every Christian should know’.  It is a highly recommended read.  You will find many well-known... Read More >>

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