
How do I know…
How do I know God's Will. Did you ever wish that God would guide you with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillow of fire by night, as He guided the ancient Israelites (Exodus 13 : 21)? Have you ever wondered why God hasn’t sent an angel to... Read More >>
Biblical Principles for Living (3)
We have been learning, in our first two principles, how important it is for us to understand what God is like and on that foundation, to get to know Him better. God tells us in His Word that “the people who know their God shall be... Read More >>
Hosea Bible Study: Part 2
This blog is the second in a three-part series on the book of Hosea. “She’s not worth it. She’ll just keep hurting you. Forget about her and move on. You’ll be better off without her.” This is where we left off last time as we... Read More >>
Hosea Bible Study: Part 1
This blog is the first in a three-part series on the book of Hosea. When I first met my wife Jayne I didn’t know anything about her other than that she had blonde hair, blue eyes, looked good and was single! 14 years later I know quite a bit... Read More >>

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