
Lesser Known Bible Heroes (Part 1)
In 2009, Baker books published a Book by Warren Wiersbe, the renowned author of the ‘Be’ series of Bible commentaries, called ’50 people every Christian should know’.  It is a highly recommended read.  You will find many well-known... Read More >>
How do I know…
How do I know God's Will. Did you ever wish that God would guide you with a pillar of cloud by day and a pillow of fire by night, as He guided the ancient Israelites (Exodus 13 : 21)? Have you ever wondered why God hasn’t sent an angel to... Read More >>
Is it worth it?
As a young Christian I read these words written by the renowned, nineteenth century pioneer Missionary - C. T. Studd; ”If Jesus Christ be God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him.”  These words had a... Read More >>

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