
Lesser Known Friends (4)
What a story must lie behind the opening words of verse thirteen (Romans 16), "Greet Rufus…” You may be thinking, "Ah, I have heard that name somewhere before", and you would be absolutely right. Do you recall, as the Lord Jesus was... Read More >>
Lesser Known Friends (3)
As a child I used to sit fascinated as older relatives tried to sort out the 'whereabouts' of other family members, endeavouring to unravel the mysteries of who had married whom, how many children they had and where they were presently living. I... Read More >>
Lesser Known Friends (2)
Next on Paul's list of lesser known friends in Romans 16 are Priscilla and Acquila. Well, maybe they are a little better known than some of the others on Paul's list, nevertheless they are well worth meeting. Paul's history of them is far too... Read More >>

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