
Principle 6 – God wants His children to worship Him.
We have seen that the greatest and most important of all biblical principles is that the Christian’s main priority is to know what God is like and on the basis of that knowledge to get to know Him better. As we have followed this principle and... Read More >>
Principle 4 – God is good and continually cares for His children!
We have learned three truths from the study of our first three biblical principles: It is vital for our lives and ministries that we know what God is really like  and that we make it our first priority to (in the words of Charles Spurgeon)... Read More >>
Principle 3 – God is wise and knows what He is doing.
We have been learning, in our first two principles, how important it is for us to understand what God is like and, on that foundation, to get to know Him better. God tells us in His Word that, “the people who know their God shall be... Read More >>
Biblical Principles – Introduction
All children’s workers feel (or should feel) their need of help in their personal lives and also  in their ministry to the children. This series will  provide some help and encouragement in both of these areas. These studies are based upon a... Read More >>

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