
Moving to Uni
Moving to university can be a daunting experience. There’s excitement for a new chapter but there are nerves and fears about the unknown that comes with moving away from family and friends to go somewhere you don’t know many people. I go... Read More >>
Witnessing at University
Meeting a future spouse, gaining a new friend group, falling in love with a new city, taking the first step towards the dream job. These are some of the common responses given by graduates as they reflect on the highlight of their university... Read More >>
Food For Freshers
Dear Fresher, University really is an unusual and unsettling time. An odd limbo in life where you have enough independence without too much responsibility to spoil it. This is my third year heading into this strange indeterminate state of life... Read More >>
How to Stay Faithful at University
We’ve all heard it said that University is the ‘make or break’ time for Christians. It’s a time when what we believe is challenged as we come into contact with many people who disagree with our faith and as we enter new social situations... Read More >>

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