
Moving to Uni
Moving to university can be a daunting experience. There’s excitement for a new chapter but there are nerves and fears about the unknown that comes with moving away from family and friends to go somewhere you don’t know many people. I go... Read More >>
Help me read the Bible!
Put up your hand if you find consistent, thoughtful daily Bible reading easy. I didn’t think many hands would go up. Bible reading can be tough, but considering it's the written word of God, given to us in order to know him better, how can we... Read More >>
What’s next, Lord?
The stress of exams is replaced with the excitement of graduation, and it’s soon forgotten in a hectic summer filled with camps and teams. September comes and goes as you rest, but October, November and December come with no sign of full-time... Read More >>
Witnessing at University
Meeting a future spouse, gaining a new friend group, falling in love with a new city, taking the first step towards the dream job. These are some of the common responses given by graduates as they reflect on the highlight of their university... Read More >>
Galatians and the Gospel Truth
You may have heard the phrase, “And though she be but little, she is fierce”. It comes from Shakespeare’s well-known comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and is said by the jealous Helena about her friend-turned-rival, Hermia. Hermia is... Read More >>
Meet Intern #2!
We have a new intern from January – April 2017. We thought we'd ask her a few questions! 1. Tell us a bit about yourself. My name is Caroline Reddick and I live in Dromore. I recently graduated from Belfast Bible College, and completed my... Read More >>
Easter Conference 2016
How are you planning to spend your Easter? CEF Easter Conference (25-28 March, 2016) is a great way to enjoy a weekend of Bible teaching, times of praise and prayer, and fellowship. It's also a great way to hear about what God is doing in... Read More >>
What is Youth Challenge?
Colin Hylands, team leader for Youth Challenge, explains what this ministry with young people involves and how it fits into the wider picture of CEF Ireland.   Read More >>

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