What do the following people have in common? A tight rope walker, a cyclist, a baby learning to walk, a gymnast, a surfer, a ballet dancer and a Christian. They all need to learn how to be balanced! If they are not properly balanced they will fall!

Christians who live a balanced life will be upright and steady. A balanced Christian is one who gives an equal amount or weight, value and importance to each of his activities (what he does) and to each of his responsibilities (who he helps). An unbalanced Christian is one who minimises or neglects some of his activities and responsibilities at the expense of others.

Balancing our three main activities as Christians

Paul lists these three activities in Colossians 1:10 as he outlines his prayer for the Colossian believers:

God wants you, firstly, to walk worthily of Him. Your first activity is to walk or live in a way which pleases Him—to walk in love (Ephesians 5:2), in truth (3 John 4), in wisdom (Colossians 4:5), by faith (2 Corinthians 5:7) and in newness of life (Romans 6:4).

Then, secondly, God wants you to work diligently and fruitfully. It is not enough to walk, you must also work. The Bible teaches that you have been “saved to serve.” For some of us this will involve a “full-time ministry.” For many of us it leads to a more direct service or ministry such as teaching a Sunday school class.

Thirdly, and most importantly, God wants you to worship Him. He wants you to know Him more and more. This must be your first priority. How you walk and how you work will depend on how you worship. You must not neglect your devotional time.

Abraham’s example

We can find an excellent picture of the three activities which God requires of us in the life and activities of Abraham.

First of all, he built altars. The first thing he did, everywhere he went, was to build an altar and worship God (Genesis 12:7, 12:8, 13:4).

Secondly, he dwelt in tents (Hebrews 11:9/10). Living in tents showed he was a pilgrim in this world. As he focused upon God and the future, God enabled him to live and walk by faith.

Thirdly he dug wells (Genesis 26:15, 18). The wells represent his work. He wanted to supply water for himself, his animals and for others. But his work would also help others in the future. Wells would be there when he was gone.

All together

A balanced Christian life will include all three activities—correctly balanced. That does not mean that all three will be allocated the same length of time. That is obviously not feasible; they will often overlap and coincide. But you must insure that none of them is neglected.