Journaling is not commanded in the Bible but it can be a useful discipline through which you can experience growth in your walk with God. Romans 12:12 says ‘Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer’ (ESV). Journaling is a perfect opportunity to do all these things. It’s what you make it for yourself, but here are some ideas on how it can be helpful:


Journaling can be a platform for prayer and connection with God. When you write your prayers, it is more time consuming, but that is the point. We have to genuinely think each word through and write it down. Sometimes it’s easy to get distracted when praying, it’s difficult to stop that train of thought and return to the throne of the Most High. Journaling helps to keep you on track and it’s something physical in your hands to do, to keep you focused. However, no matter how profitable you find journaling, don’t let it replace conversational prayer. Don’t be afraid to look up from the pages and speak directly to your Father.


If you find that you have too many conversations in your head with yourself, journaling is probably a healthier alternative. Sometimes when we see our thoughts in words, things seem very different to what we thought they were, and more rational thoughts are then formed. Journaling is a helpful practice for those who tend to overthink. It’s a place where we can preach the gospel to ourselves and into the complexities of our lives. In 2 Corinthians 10:5 Paul tells us to ‘take every thought captive to obey Christ.’


Journaling provides an opportunity to reflect on where we are in our walk with God. It also allows us to reflect on events and decisions with the benefit of hindsight. We can accept God’s grace, learn from mistakes and move on.

For those of us whose memory perhaps isn’t the best, we can look back and see how God answered prayers. In days that feel hopeless you can read through journal entries from similar times in the past. Read how confused you were at the time, flick on a couple of pages and read how God truly did good things. Hebrews 13:8 says ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever.’ How amazing to be able to read of the reality of that truth in the details of your life.


Record good memories before God with thankfulness. Memories last the rest of your life, especially when written down. Also remember to appreciate the simple days. They are not ‘boring’ journal entries, they are straightforward days that God has blessed you with for a reason; you’ll have enough times of trying to deal with an overwhelming spiritual battle – difficult but not impossible!


You don’t have to be the most poetic of people. You don’t journal to impress others. Don’t journal thinking that it will be published at some stage, it probably won’t. True authenticity comes when you forget about what others think and just focus on God. Admit your weaknesses, admit your failures and don’t be afraid to ask God for help. Your heavenly Father is reading as you write, he understands you despite the spelling mistakes and bad grammar. He understands the thoughts that go through your head as you form both the joyful sentences and lamenting phrases. ‘Casting all your cares on him because he cares for you’ (1 Peter 5:7).

Remember, it’s not an assignment for some academic institution. Be yourself—there is no mark scheme here. Journaling should be a freeing opportunity to be honest with our Heavenly Father who longs for us to communicate with Him.


Journaling is a commitment, a discipline. Some find it useful to journal every day, others once a week. It’s totally up to you. Don’t be hard on yourself when you do forget, and don’t make it an obligation to catch up, it’s not supposed to be a burden or chore.

Get a good journal. Preferably one that won’t end up with pages falling out after a couple of months of use. Pages should be of decent quality (at least 80gsm). There’s nothing worse than the pen ink coming through to the next page! Lines are optional—don’t underestimate the freedom of a completely blank page. And don’t forget a nice pen. Write as much or as little as you like, draw pictures, write out verses, just endeavour to connect with your Heavenly Father on every page.

So get started. You are part of the story that God is writing. Find peace and contentment as you record His faithfulness in your life.