We have a new intern from January – April 2017. We thought we’d ask her a few questions!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Caroline Reddick and I live in Dromore. I recently graduated from Belfast Bible College, and completed my Children’s Ministry training in November. I have attended Lisburn Baptist Church all my life, and would consider it my second home and family. Most weeks it feels like I’m there all the time! I love Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, and Chinese food and penguins. I may not be the best cook in our house, but my favourite thing for dinner is cornflakes, cold milk, warm milk or no milk! I will be getting married in September of this year, to Nathan. I met Nathan while serving with CEF in the USA, where he is now a full time worker in South Dakota. So when I’m not busy interning, I will be looking at dresses, cake testing, and flower shopping!

2. You’re a Christian. Tell us a bit about that.

I had the privilege to be brought up in a Christian home, and from a young age I heard the Gospel from church and my parents. I was always a child that had to ask questions, and as I grew older the questions grew more intense. At the age of four I understood that even though my parents were Christians, this didn’t mean that I was saved as well. That very night my mum shared the Gospel with me, and I accepted Jesus as my Saviour. Although saved as a young child I relied on my faith, and felt that was truly the time that I put my faith in Christ. As I grew older I became more involved with the ministries in my church, helping at camps, and 5-Day Clubs. When it was time for me to decide what I wanted to do with my life after school, I realised the heart I had for serving God and wanted to pursue this further. After finishing my A levels I decided to divert from the university route and went to Belfast Bible College, hoping to learn how to practically serve. Although I learnt a lot in the classroom, it wasn’t until my block placements abroad that I really learnt what it meant to serve Jesus. Through the hard times I had to understand that it was never me, but it was through God that I could do anything. Even though there have been many times that I have failed or walked away, God remains faithful, and continues to use me for His plan.

3. You’re interning here with us at CEF. Why did you apply to be a part of our Intern programme?

I first stumbled upon the internship one night while studying at CEF International Headquarters in the USA. In the summer of 2015 I have spent 10 weeks serving with CEF in Missouri and Indianapolis, and as I was coming to the end of studies at Belfast Bible College, I felt that God was calling me back to serve in the States. However, doors kept seemed to be closing, and although I would be returning to the USA I was feeling very frustrated and wondering what was it that God was calling me to do. When I found the internship that night it really felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, as I knew that this is where God had wanted me to be. Even though serving in Northern Ireland may not be final destination, I know that this time will allow me to learn and to personal grow as I continually seek His will.

4. What sort of things are you going to be doing over the next few months?

Good Question! I will be spending one day serving alongside the workers in the National Office, doing various tasks and projects. Alongside this I will also be working in my local area with David and Heather Cowan. Again this includes various tasks such as Good News Clubs, JYC, and school assemblies. I’m super excited to learn more, and to put into practice what I learnt during my time studying in America.

5. Any last words (for today!)?

Although not my own words I feel that this is the verse that God has laid on my heart for 2017:

Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus looked at them and said to them, ‘With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”