We have a new intern called Kate who is joining us in CEF for the next few months. We thought we would interview her to find out a little bit more about her!

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is Kate McCoy and I’m from Carnmoney which is about 10 minutes from Belfast. I play guitar and bass and I’m part of the praise group in Monkstown Baptist Church where I go in the evening and is my main church. Then in the morning time I go to Abbots Cross Presbyterian Church with some of my friends. I like to go out with friends for a catch-up over dinner and obviously a McDonalds or a Spoon Street afterwards, where I seem to spend most of my life! I like to read and watch sports and I love any type of music as long as I can make out what they’re actually saying!

2. You’re a Christian. Tell us a bit about that.

I came from a background where I went to Church and Sunday School every week and learnt about God’s love for me but I never really thought anything of it. But about 8 years ago my mum took seriously ill and had to be taken to England for emergency treatment. She was away for around a month and for an 11 year old it felt a lot longer. I prayed to God one night that He would bring her back home and the next day we got a phone call to say that she was coming home again and that although there is no cure for her condition she was as fit as she could be! I remembered I’d prayed the night before and I realised that God must have been in it. I started to act more like a Christian from then on but once I got to High School things changed and I began to act less Christian-like as I wanted to fit in with everyone and in my school that meant not being a Christian and I left God behind for a number of years. Then about 3 years ago I joined Monkstown Baptist Church and started going to the SYC in our area and getting involved with CEF events and met so many other Christians who had an amazing relationship with God and I wanted that too but felt I didn’t deserve it anymore. Then one night in church the speaker spoke about how God loves us no matter what we’ve done and no matter how broken we are, and He is willing to forgive us and it really spoke to me. That night I went home and prayed and I got saved on May 29th 2016!

3. You’re interning here with us at CEF. Why did you apply to be a part of our Intern programme?

I applied to be a part of the Intern Programme as I didn’t feel that I was ready to go to University just yet and I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to go in the first place or what course I would even do. So I decided that over the summer I would see if I could do some volunteer work with CEF and I ended up doing a camp in South East Antrim as I wanted to work with kids and to be able to tell them about how much God loves them was amazing. But I wanted to do a lot more than just a camp but with not having the money to go away on the CEF courses available I was a bit stuck! Then I prayed about it and asked God to give me direction in what He wanted me to do with my life as I clearly had no idea. Later that week I found out that CEF were doing an Intern programme and saw the things that it involved and it looked like what I wanted to do and thought that I would try and see what happens and I ended up getting the place here!

4. What sort of things are you going to be doing over the next few months?

I’ll be doing a day in the National Office where I’ll be helping around different areas of the office and seeing how they are all run behind the scenes and doing things like social media and blog posts. Then I’ll be with Phil and Rachael Agnew for a couple of days a week where I will be in the South East Antrim Area and helping them with the ministry work that they do there and getting involved in all the different activities that they do with the kids. I’ll also be doing some personal spiritual development as part of the internship and growing in my own faith as well as helping out in my local area through reading different books and blog posts so I can learn more about God while serving Him.

5. You’ve been an intern for one day! What are you most looking forward to for the rest of your time with us?

I’m really looking forward to getting out into the South East Antrim area with Phil and Rachael Agnew and getting involved with all the ministry work that they do there! I’m also quite interested to see how CEF is run behind the scenes as I don’t really know much about how things are run on a daily basis. I think it will be good to see how all the different aspects of CEF play a part in the making of all the different events put on throughout the year and as someone who just goes to the events I think it will be good to see the processes involved to make them happen!

6. Any last words (for today!)?

Just that even when you don’t know what the next step is for you in life, remember that God has it all planned out for you already so you don’t need to worry about it! He’ll direct your steps and show you what you’re meant to be doing and all you have to do is trust Him!