God has a specific and detailed plan for every Christian, and He has promised that if you ‘in all your ways acknowledge him…he will make straight your paths.’1 We all have so many decisions to make. Some of them are major, some of them are minor, but we need to make them. Where is my place of service? Which church should I join? What profession should I enter? Should I marry? Who should I marry? Should I go to Bible School?

It is comforting to know that God can, and wants to, guide us in all of our decisions whether big or small. He knows what is best for us and has the answer to every question. Our responsibility is to find out what that answer is. Here are five steps to help you:

1. Use your tongue to pray

The very first step in coming to know God’s will concerning any subject or situation is to pray to God. Speak to Him, and ask Him to give you guidance and understanding so that you can make the right decision. God the Holy Spirit is ready, willing and able to guide you. This is part of His ministry to Christians today.

When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.2

We don’t need to coax Him or plead with Him. If we ask Him sincerely, He will show His will to us. Have you prayed about it? If so, you are ready for the next step.

2. Use your head to learn

Having asked God for His guidance, you need to understand that God now wants and expects you to use your mind in the determination of His plan for you. God does not guide you in a vacuum. He has not only given you a mind to think with, but He renewed that mind when you became a Christian and you should now be able to think spiritually.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God.3

Consequently, when considering a decision you need to make, you should ask yourself a number of basic questions, and using your mind, answer them logically. Your answers will not show you God’s will, but will help you to know it. For example—with regards to marriage: are they a Christian? Do we share the same goals? Do I really love them?

3. Use your eyes to look

God speaks through His Word. This is the main way He guides us. So you need to use your eyes to read His Word, and you need to ask Him to speak to you and guide you through it. You should not open your Bible at random, looking for ‘spot verses’ to guide you. This could be dangerous. Instead, you should ask God to guide you through your regular study of His Word. Read it prayerfully, sincerely and systematically.

4. Use your ears to listen

The Bible gives examples of those who were helped to know God’s will through the help, guidance and invitation of others (read Acts 11:25, 13:1-3 and 16:1-3). Other people can play a vital role in your guidance provided they are walking with the Lord and guided by Him. When you are faced with a decision, you should feel free to speak to someone you can depend on, especially to those who are your spiritual leaders, and ask for their advice. Such advice, based on Scripture, can be a real help to you. However you are responsible before God to make your decision. Others cannot make it for you.

5. Use your heart to lead you

When God wants you to do something, He will give you peace about it.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.4

Let the peace of God decide if this is the right thing to do or not. This peace is a direct ministry of the Holy Spirit. If you don’t have peace about your decision, don’t do it. If you have peace, this could be an indication this is the way to go.

When all five steps point in the same direction, go ahead! Ask God to close the door if you are mistaken.

1. Proverbs 3:6, ESV.
2. John 16:13, ESV.
3. Romans 12:2, ESV.
4. Colossians 3:15, ESV.