This is entry 3/5 in a series on discouragement.

And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19, ESV)

When Jesus saw the large crowd He said to Philip, ‘Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?’ (John 6:5). Philip had no idea at all where the resources should come from to give food to such a large crowd of over 5,000. Andrew found a boy with five barley loaves and two fish. He made Jesus aware of these very small resources, but immediately added: ‘What are they for so many?’ (John 6:9). In his eyes that was just nothing!

One of Satan’s ways to discourage us is to make our resources appear too small for the challenge we face or for the task the Lord has given us.

  • Maybe the month is only half gone and you look into your purse and wonder: ‘what is this for so many days still left in this month?’
  • Or you see your little strength and limited abilities and, on the other hand, your challenging ministry and you wonder: ‘what are these small gifts for such a huge task?’
  • Or you see the many opportunities and the few labourers, and you wonder: ‘how can we ever reach the children in this country with so few people?’

How does Jesus encourage us when the resources for our everyday life or for our ministry seem to be too small?

First of all, the text says that Jesus himself knew what He would do (v6). The heavenly King never runs out of advice, ideas or resources of any kind. And then He taught Andrew not to fix his eyes on what is seen! But to look to Him! And to put the little resources into His hands! We know the results: Jesus then took the loaves, and when He had given thanks, He distributed them to those who were seated. So also the fish, as much as they wanted (v11). These few resources in the hands of Jesus turned out to be more than enough!

Jesus already knows what He will do in the situation that discourages you so much at present. Thank Him for what you have! Put it into His hands! And then trust Him! Whether He solves the problem as fast as here or whether you have to wait as long as Abraham did, never stop trusting Him! And don’t look at your situation in the light of Satan’s fiery dart of discouragement. Fix your eyes on Christ, on His power, on His strength, on His love and care for you. And meditate on these words: My God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. This is how we overcome discouragement!

Your gifts and abilities in His hands are enough for the ministry you have been called to. Your little strength in His hands is enough for the tasks of this day.