Who doesn’t love a good classic sing along to get you into the Christmas spirit? Personal favourites of mine are “Fairytale of New York” from the Pogues, “Last Christmas” from Wham or East 17’s great Christmas number “Stay Another Day.” However, there is one which can be given a good old shot with the vocal chords by all—Mariah’s “All I want for Christmas is you.” The first words of the song are chimed in with the lines:

I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need.

And through the song we find out that the thing she needs is a person; the man she is directing the song to and appears to be waiting under the mistletoe for.

Mariah is half right—there is only one person we need for Christmas and indeed every other time of the year. But she has got the wrong one. The one we need is actually the One we should be truly celebrating at this time of the year. And that’s Christ.

We read from God’s Word in Matthew 1:21-23 that an angel appeared to Joseph, who was Jesus’ mothers’ fiancé, in a dream, and spoke the following words:

‘She [Mary] will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.’ All this took place to fulfil what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’ (which means, God with us).1

Jesus is the One we need. He was called Immanuel—God with us. Jesus was leaving His Father, and coming down to earth to be born, to live and walk with men. He became fully man. Yet He was still perfectly God at the same time. That’s what makes Him different from any other man who ever lived on earth.

Why would He leave His home to come and live here? To fulfil the name Jesus, which He was given. To be the Saviour for His people’s sins. Are you included in His people? Because He will only be the Saviour for HIS people. He has borne the wrath and condemnation for their wrongdoing against a holy God. In their place.

So that’s why His birth is to be celebrated. We have a Saviour born! We can worship and thank Him at Christmas time for being the only One we need! You need Him. The great news is that anyone can join and become one of His people, one of the ones who He has come to save.

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.2

Can you truly celebrate the birth of Christ this Christmas? Or do you see the presents, the tree, love, family, friends as the only needs in your life? Christ is the only One you will ever need—this Christmas, and for your whole life.

1. ESV.
2. Romans  10:13, ESV.