It has been wonderful having Kate, our first intern, with us in CEF over the past few months. We asked her to talk about her experience in the role:

If I’m being honest, I wasn’t 100% sure what I was getting myself into at the beginning! It has been such an incredible experience and I’ve learnt so many new things that I can apply to my Christian life, as well as any future ministry work that I might do, and it has definitely helped me to decide what I want to do with my life.

I came into the programme with no training in ministry at all, but there have been so many people that have helped me, guided me and taught me along the way! Being with Phil and Rachael Agnew in the South East Antrim Area was definitely eye opening, but such a blessing too. With going around different assemblies and Good News Clubs and other CEF programmes in the area, I was able to see first-hand how everything’s run and how to approach different ages and groups of children. I also got to see different meetings within the area and how the support works and what goes on when we’re not out in the area. Phil and Rachael have been absolutely amazing to me and have really helped me while I’ve been doing the internship. They’ve taught me so much both in ministry and outside of it and I can’t thank them enough for being so encouraging along the way!

I’ve been helping out in Good News Clubs in the South East Antrim area and I did my first lesson as well which was nerve wrecking, but honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had. Just to see all the little eyes looking up at you and listening to everything that you’re saying to them about what God has done for us was incredible! I’ve also been helping with a Good News Club in Belfast with Julie Fenton who’s been so kind and helpful! I’ve definitely learnt a lot from her and the rest of the team.

Through being in the office on a Monday, I got to see a different aspect of the ministry that I’d never seen before which was really interesting! There’s so much work that goes behind the scenes that we wouldn’t normally see, making everything run smoothly and effectively, and the work that they all put in is crazy! Andrew’s been amazing throughout the internship and has definitely kept me busy when I’m in the office! I’ve learnt so much from him too that I wouldn’t have learnt if I hadn’t done this programme and I’m really thankful for him and everyone else that I’ve met, or worked with during the time!

Since starting the internship I feel that I’ve grown so much in my own personal faith. With reading different Christian books and meeting new people, that I probably wouldn’t have met before, and just chatting with them about their experiences and how they have got past challenges in not only ministry work, but in different aspects of life too, have been so helpful. I learnt rather quickly that we aren’t there to save the child, only God can do that. We’re there to spread the Word and to plant a seed. We can’t do God’s job for Him and He doesn’t expect us to either! I also learnt that we don’t have to be the perfect evangelist to speak at a Good News Club or to talk to a group of kids, because no one is perfect and we absolutely don’t have to compare ourselves to others because God already has them covered! He just wants you to be you and He can use you in ways you can’t even imagine! I would never have thought a couple of months ago that I would have been able to do a lesson in front of a bunch of kids, but I did! I shocked myself really, but at the end of the day, we aren’t alone in it, God is with us and we just have to trust Him!

I’m so grateful for the opportunity I had to take part in the internship programme and I’ve honestly loved every second of it! If you’re not too sure what the next step is for you, I would absolutely recommend considering doing this. It can be hard sometimes in different aspects, but it’s so rewarding at the end of the day!

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